Blue badge fraudsters fined thousands

Originally publish  by Jo Wadsworth   image by Jakub Pabis/unsplash Able-bodied drivers who used fake or borrowed blue badges have been fined thousands of pounds by the courts. Caroline Cowley of Chalky Road in Portslade was found guilty in her absence after she failed to appear on 22 September. She had used a blue badge issued…

Blue badge fraudsters fined thousands

originally publish by Jo Wadsworth Monday 11 Dec, 2023 at 3:13PM    image by Jakub Pabis/unsplash Able-bodied drivers who used fake or borrowed blue badges have been fined thousands of pounds by the courts. Caroline Cowley of Chalky Road in Portslade was found guilty in her absence after she failed to appear on 22 September. She had…

17 blue badge misusers in Bromley named and shamed

Originally publish by By Amy Clarke image by Jakub Pabis/unsplashimage by Jakub Pabis/unsplash 17 motorists have been fined after misusing blue badges in Bromley – including using stolen badges, ones whose owners have died, or ones that have been stolen. The fines and costs imposed on these offenders amount to a total of £6,808. Among the…

Tackling blue badge fraud

originally publish by CLIMATE ACTION, NEWS More than 20 people have been taken to court for blue badge fraud over recent months and Ealing Council is continuing to crackdown against illegal use of the badges. Over the same period, 52 blue badges have also been seized because people are fraudulently attempting to use them. The council…

North Ayrshire Council to crack down on ‘blue badge abusers’

Originally Publish By Stewart McConnell image by Jakub Pabis/unsplash Council officials will crackdown on motorists abusing the blue badge system when parking enforcement is introduced to North Ayrshire.   That was the message from Thomas Reaney, head of service (Neighbourhood Services), at a meeting of the Audit and Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday. This came after it…

Bucks Council tackles fraud over Blue Badge misuse

originally publish  By Noora Mykkanen image by Jakub Pabis/unsplash The council has fined fraudsters in Buckinghamshire, including over Blue Badge misuse.    Buckinghamshire Council’s fraud team launched an operation against misuse and scam, which costs the taxpayer thousands of pounds each year. The dedicated team fights housing benefit cheating, council tax scams, cybercrime and other…