More than one in 22 people in England have a blue badge

Amit Bansal/unsplash There were 2.57 million holders of blue badges at the end of March last year, figures show. More than one in 22 people in England have a disabled parking badge, exceeding the proportion before the pandemic. There were 2.57 million valid blue badges at the end of March last year, analysis of Department for Transport (DfT) data…

Woman prosecuted for misusing child’s Blue Badge

Originally Publish image by Jakub Pabis/unsplash A woman has been fined for misusing a Blue Badge when she parked her Mercedes in a Bedford Borough Council car park. Nasharie Oluwa, 35, of Ethelred Lane, Great Denham, pleaded guilty in writing at Luton Magistrates’ Court to one offence of misusing a Blue Badge. The Mercedes…

Courts fine drivers misusing Blue Badges

Originally Publish By Alexander Chadwick As part of ongoing work to protect legitimate Blue Badge users, investigators in York have successful uncovered and prosecuted two instances of Blue Badge fraud. Working with the Council’s fraud investigation service, Veritau, two cases of fraud have now been successfully convicted, helping protect the rights of Blue Badge holders…

Courts fine drivers misusing Blue Badges

Originally Published By Friday, 22 December 2023 As part of ongoing work to protect legitimate Blue Badge users, investigators in York have successful uncovered and prosecuted two instances of Blue Badge fraud. Working with the Council’s fraud investigation service, Veritau, two cases of fraud have now been successfully convicted, helping protect the rights of…

Five more offenders convicted for abuse of the Blue Badge scheme

Originally Publish By image by Jakub Pabis/unsplashimage by Jakub Pabis/unsplash Blue Badge scheme abuse has resulted in the convictions of five more motorists for offences relating to the display of cancelled badges. The council continues with its campaign to protect the Blue Badge scheme for genuine users. Fines and costs totalling £3,657 have been…