Milton Keynes topped the list with a huge 5,962 total penalty charge notices relating to a blue badge, according to data provided by U-Switch.

Data shows Milton Keynes topped much larger cities such as Manchester, Leeds and Bimingham with a huge 5,842 on-street PCN’s, 120 off-street PCN’s.
Blue badges can be used by those applicable to park in disabled spaces, as well as on double yellow lines for a limited amount of time. However, parking in these spaces as a non-blue badge holder is punishable by a fine in the UK.
If motorists continue to offend, this could lead to a loss of license and increased car insurance premiums.
Joel Kempson, car insurance expert comments: “The Blue Badge Scheme was introduced by the government to help those with severe mobility issues park close to where they need to go – allowing drivers to park on yellow lines for up to three hours or on the street for free where there are parking metres or disabled spaces.
“Drivers who abuse the Blue Badge policy could face a fine of up to £1,000. However, despite the risk of hefty penalties, it’s clear to see that the law is disregarded by many motorists, who will risk large fines simply to park for free or closer to their destination. This behaviour is inconsiderate towards Blue Badge holders who require these spaces to travel independently and get from A to B.
“Misuse of the Blue Badge Scheme includes using badges that are no longer valid, use of a valid badge by a person who is not authorised and using a badge that has been reported lost or stolen.
“Policies are enforced by the local council in each area. Milton Keynes Council were the most effective enforcers, issuing more than 5,900 fines, the highest amount of penalties in the UK.
“If you are disabled, it is important to state this in your car insurance application, as failing to inform your insurance provider could result in your cover becoming invalidated. We also recommend speaking to your insurance provider to ensure your plan adequately covers your specific needs.”