Originally Publish By news.merton.gov.uk
People who misuse Blue Badges will soon face tougher measures to stamp it out, after Merton Council’s parking team launched a crackdown following an increased number of reported thefts and reports from whistleblowers.
If the badge is used by anyone who is not the registered holder, for any reason other than to pick up or drop off the badge holder, then it is fraudulent. The penalty for misuse, on conviction in a magistrates’ court, is between £100 and £1000, and in most cases the prosecuting council is also awarded costs.
There are 2486 Blue Badges in circulation in Merton, and nationally it’s estimated that one in five badges are being used by someone other than the holder. The badge remains the property of the issuing authority and may be confiscated upon a successful conviction.
“The Blue Badge Scheme is an important asset to millions, enabling those with disability or infirmity to retain their mobility and independence,” said Councillor Stephen Alambritis, Cabinet Member for Transport.
“Abuse of the scheme is to my mind the same as stealing from a charity donation box, it deprives something valuable from those who need it most. That’s why we’re stepping up detection and enforcement.”